In the midst of summer, don't miss the chance to try our unique water slides. Both older and younger folks will be amazed!
camping entertainmentŽalvaris park is almost equal to the size of the Vatican City
In the park you will find more than 40 unique exhibits, most of which have unique stories
The all-day ticket will allow you to try a lot of different outdoor and water activities
Žalvaris Park is a unique amusement park that exhibits various objects that have been repurposed for another purpose. The park is located in the village of Skrebuliai, near Molėtai. It has more than 40 hectares of land, which has various entertainment and games. Žalvaris Park is a great place for families and groups of friends to spend time.
MORELooking for a unique space for your event? Here you will find not only a space for events, but also an inspiring environment where your guests can relax and enjoy nature. Events organized in our park are distinguished by their uniqueness and coziness. With a capacity of over 3000 participants, various zones and the flexibility to adapt to various formats, everything is possible here - from grand festivals to intimate gatherings.
MOREGet to know the park's exhibits! We offer guided tours for both children and adult groups. There will be no shortage of entertainment and activities during the tours
MOREPlenty of fun and active outdoor and indoor games for both kids and adults! Various matches, table tennis, strength tests and more
Are you planning a company outing? Come to Žalvaris Park and the engaging activities and games will help strengthen the company's spirit
Relax by the pond on a hot day! We offer activities by boat, paddleboards, water slides
Do you like stargazing? Grab a tent and spend the night in Žalvaris Park! We will provide conditions for cooking food and electricity
Do you like to be active? The park offers you volleyball, football and basketball courts. And if you lack adrenaline, we invite you to try the zip line above the water
MOREChoose between 4 different spaces for your birthday celebration! To make the birthday party even more fun, we additionally offer guided tours and a 4 hour program
A unique space for your festivals and events! We can accommodate up to 3000 people. It doesn't matter whether it's music festivals or yoga camps - realize your idea in Žalvaris Park
Airsoft is a great choice for those who want to play a strategic team game. We provide all the necessary equipment.
The bachelor party program with overnight stay, barbecue and fun entertainment will not leave anyone indifferent.
Airsoft is a great choice for those who want to play a strategic team game. We provide all the necessary equipment.
In the park, you will find not only find creative exhibits, but also many different exhibits that hold some kind of a record.
Jolanta Chomskienė2023-11-20 Puiku! Čia jūs rasite puikiai sutvarkytą erdvę smagaus laisvalaikio praleidimui tiek su šeima, tiek su draugais: žaidimų pramogos vaikams, tinklinio aikštelė, pažaisite stalo tenisą, pasiplaukiosite valtimi, pasimaudysite ir išbandysite vandens čiuožyklą, su vėjeliu nuskriesite su lynu žemyn, pasivažinėsite triračiu, eidami siauru takučiu išbandysite savo liksvarą pelkėje, pabuvosite kreivų veidrodžių karalystėje, apžiūrėsite parko teritorijoje įdomias instaliacijas, pasžvalgysite iš apžvalgos bokštelio, pavakarosite prie laužo, o jeigu išalksite, galėsite skaniai užkąsti įrengtoje pavėsinėje. Tie, kurie mėgsta vienatvę, gali tiesiog pasivaikščiot miške ir stebėti pavasario atbundančią gamtą.Smagių įspūdžių!! olga olga2023-10-15 Įdomi vieta, labai patiko ekskursija, pramogos, žaidimai. Puiki vietą vaikų ir suaugusiųjų šventėms, klasių išvykoms. Pagrindinė veikla po atviru dangumi. Deividas Podobajevas2023-10-07 Labai gražu ir įdomu, parko susipažinimo žaidimas labai puikus Augustas Vaitkevicius2023-10-01 Amazing private park with lots to do and see. Vilija Maliavkaitė2023-10-01 Labai unikali ir smagi vieta! Gido vedami daug pamatėme, sužinojome, patyrėme ir prisijuokėme. Puiki vieta gimtadieniui. Šventę prisiminsime ilgai 😊 Jolita Levickienė2023-09-25 Labiausiai vaikams patikusios pramogos visame parke buvo - 1. Mašinytė važiuojanti per anakonda 2. Čiuožimas lynų Ir smagiausia dalis - 3. Vandens čiuožykla ❤️ Marius Motiekaitis2023-09-17 Važiavau nieko gero nesitikėdamas, bet patirtis viršijo visus lūkesčius. Gidas buvo charizmatiškas bei energingas. Dvi valandos praskriejo akimirksniu. Maniau, kad nuobodžiai apžiūrinėsiu žalvarinius eksponatus, o gavosi, gana netgi aktyvus laiko praleidimas.
Have a dream, make it come true.